Home / Products / Fertilizers / Biostimulants


2020-01-04 16:58:47750



Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC

[Product Name]: 


[Main ingredients]: 


[Product Specifications]:



 1. This product contains orthophosphorous acid (H3PO3). Compared with phosphoric acid, the orthophosphorous acid contains more phosphor and is easier to hydrolyze.

 2. It is easily absorbed by crops, as the vital source of life, especially as important nutrients for flowers and fruits.

[Main ingredients]: 

Water-soluble phosphoric acid: 28.0%, Water-soluble potassium: 26.0%

[Product efficacy]:

 1. The combination of easily-absorbed orthophosphorous acid and high-concentration water-soluble potassium can promote nitrogen metabolism in plants, and it is an energy source to promote flowering.

 2. It is highly absorbed by leaves, and also easy to be absorbed by roots, promoting plant root growth.

 3. Regulate plant growth and prevent excessive tree vigor.

 4. Enhance the health of crops, help to discover disease-resisting tissues in plants, improve disease resistance, and increase resistibility.

 5. Promote germination and growth, and enrich flower buds.

 6. Promote fruit setting, increase fruit setting percentage, and increase yield.

[Application ]:

 1. Spraying to leaves: 500-2000 times dilution, apply it once every 7-30 days.

 2. It is recommended for use especially for the seedling stage, fruiting stage of flower bud differentiation, poor fruit setting, poor coloration, poor swelling, excessive residual nitrogen in the leaves, and low disease resistance, etc..

[Applicable crops]: 

All crops (vegetables, fruit trees, and flowers)

[Points for Attention]:

 1. Avoid application at high temperature in summer.

 2. Avoid mixing with alkaline pesticides and lime sulphur solution.

 3. Avoid mixing with hormone-type or calcium-type liquid fertilizers.

[Product Type]: 

Liquid Compound Fertilizer
