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Utilize - potassium sulphate

2021-11-19 15:02:222008

[Company Name]: Marubeni Corporation

[Product Name]: Utilize - potassium sulphate

[Main ingredients]: 50% potassium oxide (K2O), 18% sulphur (S), 1.5% magnesium oxide (MgO), chloridion (Cl)≤1.5%

[State]: white powder

[Packing]: 25kg/bag


1. Imported products that can be used for drip irrigation, foliar spray, and irrigation.

2. The formula is designed scientifically, and therefore meets most plants’ needs for K and Mg. The synergistic effect of K and Mg can be fully achieved.

3. Different from nitrate potassium or chloride potassium, this product provides a high amount of S, which enhances fruits’ tastes.

[Points for Attention]:

1. It can be applied on all crops by drip irrigation, foliar spray, and irrigation.

2. Avoid using this product with calcium fertilizers, increase the dilution ratio if used with hard water.
